Here I am!
I am facing an important issue these days... I am running out of money!
When I arrived at the GR 10 I had to buy new shoes... The old ones didn't resist the long march, and making this way with them would have been suicidal! That was a hard punch in the face of my budget.
Today I am ONLY ( :] ) two weeks away from the Atlantic, and some 40 days from Santiago de Compostela. It's my 83th day, so I'm nearly done ((: !!
But I am short of cash for 15-20 days... I am burning 10 to 30 euros per day, depending on the weather (it's not possible to sleep outside with a pyreneic thunderstorm...) and also on the availability of cheap supermarket food, which is not always the case.
Perhaps some of you have liked this blog and the stories, feelings and photos on it. And perhaps some of you would like to support the journey and donate some money. It's not too much what I need, and if some of you can donate a little bit, there will be no other major obstacles on the Way to Santiago!!! I will be more than happy for every little bit you could give.
The german account is:
And the spanish one:
It's not that I am so rich that I need two bank accounts... It's that I live in both countries... And if there's one thing that banks love is to charge you if you do anything out of the usual, like using your money abroad.
I hope I can find soon again time to write more about what nature here is saying with its still voice. I am seeing lanscapes, mountains and lakes like I have never EVER seen before in my life. The Pyrenees are magic in its pure state.
Thank you (: