But now it's time for some pics
The "Pic of Midi"... You can feel its force even from the picture
This is how the GR10 looks like. Mountain up, mountain down (and they're not too small...) And all filled with a beauty that you cannot describe with words
You can drink the water from all small rivers up here. It tastes like liquid Life.
Nature is wild.
80 days!!!!
I love this. Man, how do I love this.
Can you feel the freedom?
Can you feel the magic?
This is Me. In my purest form. No frontiers, no rules, no shadows, nothing else than pure Samu. Le bonheur. Life. This is it.
@Giannis & Natasa: Thanksss!!! You are my guard angels (: !
Increíble. Te miro a los ojos y no te reconozco :).
En la foto del palo te cojo así tal cual y te pongo en la avenida de Candelaria y tal cual los guanches jajja. Qué aventura. Se te lee en los ojos, sí. Guapo.
Un fuerte abrazo de los tuyos, de esos ricos y gratis.
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