Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Small logistics report

I was amazed by how material-consuming the Camino has been. Here is a small report of what survived and what didn't.

Backpack: Survived

1st pair of shoes: Destroyed.

2st pair of shoes: Bought on the go. Slightly damaged and worn out

Long pants: Absolutely destroyed.

Short pants: Brutally Destroyed.

Anti-rain pants: Bought on the go. Survived.

Socks: Survived.

Underpants: Severely damaged.

Coats: Survived.

Gloves: Lost.

Warm Cap: Lost.

Scarf: Lost.

2nd Cap: Found on the go. It was fantastic. Lost.

3rd Cap: Found on the go. I'll throw it away. It's horribly ugly.

Photo camera: Stupidly destroyed.

Mobile phone & mp3: Survived.

1st walking stick: Found on the go. Severly damaged and thrown away.

2nd walking stick: Found on the go. Survived.

Books, maps, juggling balls: Sent home.

Pillow: Given away

Compeed and other health stuff: Given away

Towel: Cut in half.

1st Sleeping bag: Probably infested. Thrown away.

2nd sleeping bag: Bought on the go. Survived.

Mat: Damaged by killer brambles

Santiago's shell: Survived!

Tent: Found on the go. Sent "home"

Biwak-bag: Bought on the go. About to be sold. (Anyone needing a biwak-bag?)

Small diary: Lost and found(phew)!

Big diary: Full.

1st Rain cape: Destroyed

2nd rain cape: Bought on the go. Pretty useless.

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