Those who know a bit about the Way of Saint James will recognize the name inmediately. From here departed the very first pelgrim to Santiago. And now it's one of the most popular points of starting.
In a few weeks I will have achieved 1/2 of my Way !!!! :D!!!!!!! It's uncredible. Strange and beautiful. I had a small crisis in the last days of Switzerland and the beginning of France, but now I'm back to full energy. I was thinking of quitting the Way. I don't mean taking my bag and return home, I mean going my own Way. After this point, it is possible that too many people are around. And mass pelgrimages are not what I'm looking for.
Today I'm not too much in the mood of writing. I have found again a computer with SD reader, and I'm going to show you what my eyes are seeing.
The summary is: I'm good. The Way continues. Life tastes good. As always (:
A big big big hug for you!
I love this pic that much. A not so-short deviation of the Way to see the landscape (:
The Pelgrimage Credential. I already need a new one!!
A Samu.
Extra Luxury Pelgrim Meal. Warm rice and beeeeeeer!!!!! This is paradise!!!
It's a long Way to the top if you wanna Rock'n'Roll!!
This photo is old: The green mountains in the front are german. The ones in the bottom left are Austria and the ones in the bottom left are Switzerland. And the Way you see there is my way to Santiago ((:
A pelgrim's bag around Europe
It's foggy in Switzerland
Le Puy-en-Velay with some gravity anomalies
In three or four days I'll be reaching the mountains in the back. And meanwhile I'll be enjoying all in between (:
Dubi dubi duba
The sun sets and the planes fly
This place was amazing. AMAZING.
Goodbye, Alps!
Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name! :3
The Rhone
Those bad clouds did rain like the World was going to end soon.
Nice monuments for stupid wars.
On y va!!!!
preciosas fotos y que guapo estas!!! el blogger borra los comentarios, pero aqui seguimos tus fieles... un gran abrazo samu, yfuerza y de todo lo bueno
oh le beau pelerin!!!
Pero qué linda vaquitaaaaaaa!
y tú estás hecho todo un vagamundos! ay, ay.. :)
Animo! Tu n´es pas seule!
La Che
Paz (:
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