Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Short Version

People, I'm happy. I am now in a town called Heitenried, being hosted by a wonderful couple that has their own house for pelgrims. Tomorrow I'm arriving in Fribourg, I'll make my first stop (after nearly four weeks of walking) and I will write a looooooooooooooooot (:

Be hugged
The Pelgrim


cintia said...


atlante said...

Bien merecida la paradita...
Hasta yo mismo estoy cansado ya... ;DD
Reponer fuerzas... retomar ánimos...

inest said...

We will be waiting.... ;)


Anonymous said...

que alegria saber de ti, pero que alegria tan grande. Y saber que duermes en una cama, sin vacas ni heno

y tambien, que alegría saber que mañana tendremos la not so short version

love and rest