Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Fight

Here I am!

To let go. To let it be. To let yourelf fall. This is for sure one of the majr things I´m slowly learning in this Way. And I´ll tell you why:

Yesterday was the worst day of the Way until now. With difference. It was really really shitty. I planned wrongly the km I wanted to do, I was walking until 9 at night and I still wasn´t there. The whole day had been extremely hot, I was sweating like a pig, the way wsa also not dirt as usual, but asphalt... And this is soooooooooooo bad for your feet. They were hurting so much that my TEETH started hurting. How that works, no idea. But it happened.

I had to go up a mountain, and at the top of that mountain there was a sign: "Kempten, 2 3/4 h". I looked at my watch, it was 5 in the evening. Well, there was nothing but a small wood church with open windows, and the night was going to be cold. Kempten was a big town, so I hoped to find something and decided to go on. Just for you to know: I use to wake up at 7 or earlier in the morning and starting walking at 9 the latest. I usually arrive at 5-7 to the places. So that day I was already VERY late.

Well, I walked on, and some half an hour later I see another sign "Kempten, 2 1/2h" Special relativity tells you that the time of the signs doesn´t go at the same speed as your time, so no reason to hurry. I continue, and after another half hour, "Kempten 2 1/2 h".

Fuck the sign. I go on, and surprise, I still find three or four signs saying that the way needs two hours! I start calling people to see where I can stay ( I have a list of cheap and good places for pilgrims) and, surprise, four people not answering. When it was like 7 I finally get to talk to a nun that says, yeah, you can come by.

Well, and so on. It still took me until 9 to only reach the BOUNDARIES of the town, I still had to cross to the other side (But, the question is, which other side, my friend?)

At this point I would have taken a bus and driven the rest of the way. For more than three hours (and not 2 3/4), I had been walking in asphalt at full speed!

Then, the miracle occured.

A car stopped and a woman asked: "Are you a pilgrim?"
-"Yes, I am?"
-"It´s a bit late, isn´t it? Do you wanted me to take you somewhere?"

The miracle. In the last moment. After the hardest day of the Way. This woman falls from heaven and asks me to help me with the ugliest part of my day. Man, I had no words!! This only happens in the movies!! :D

The woman turned out to be working exactly next to the place where I wanted to spend the night. And the night turned out to cost nothing ´cause the nun liked that I was ging the full way.

I´m still a bit of in shock. I have no words to express my gratitude for these people, and SO many others that I am finding in my way and are enriching me, either by helping me like that, or by sharing experiences and thoughts with me.

In these days, though, a new phase of the Way is going on: The Fighting phase. I´m facing my inner devils, my old fears, I´m doubting about things like if doing this Way is the correct thing. There is no certainity without the fight, I read somewhere. And now it´s time for the Fight. Samu vs. Samu. A decisive part of the Way.

Thank you very much for your comments and for your mails. I may not answer all, but thy give me strength and will to keep on with this strange Fight. I´m thinking of you, people (: Thanks

Next time I´ll time to write something better, but now there are so many people smoking in this small room that I definetly have to go!!! Hasta pronto!


atlante said...

I have watched you in a Google Earth zoom... smiling... ;))

I am becoming a little old man: I had not notice you had activated comments!!!

So, you passed through a full time hole!!!... frontward and backward... front and back... :))
Good, very good.
Not a fight, it is a play, a very good conversation ("El ultimo Samurai"), you are your best friend... :))

Maloly said...

Ánimo Samuel!!!! Estoy deseando que llegue verano para oírte en 1ª persona tanta experiencia (lo de seguirte en inglés me cuesta un poco pero estoy en ello) ADELANTE CAMPEÓN!

MaD said...

Samuuuu ánimooo jeje que el otro día estuve en Irún y en la plaza donde tocaban unos amigos estaba la estrella del camino y me acordé de tiiii que pasarás por alli dentro de un tiempoooo cuando llegues por allí pegame un toqueee jeje animoo y hasta prontooooo. muxuuuu

Anonymous said...

Soy amigo de tu padre que me ha hablado del viaje que estás haciendo.
Hay un viejo refrán que dice: "El viaje más largo es hacia uno mismo"
Buen camino.

Anonymous said...

Samu!! Ich bin voll geschockt, dass es dir so schlecht ergangen ist, ausgerechnet am Tag, nach dem wir uns getroffen haben. Aber wie ich dir schon gesagt habe, die Allgäuer sind nette Leute und hilfsbereit!
Solche Erfahrungen gehören wohl auch dazu, da lernt man am meisten. Und wo sollen nicht die Wunder geschehen, wenn nicht auf dem Camino.
Ich denke oft an dich, alles Gute!

ana maria said...

Samu, me parece tan emocionante lo que haces y cómo lo explicas, que me saltan las lágrimas. Adelante! Habrá un antes y un después. Definitely! :-)

inest said...

My dear friend Samu!!! You are writing so emotional and i am so happy about that!!! It is like to feel what you feel, see what you see!!
I have to say that i am a bit envy of you (in a good way ... you know!!)

I still can not believe how things can happen some times, but i really love when there is a happy ending!!

In Greece we say : Καθε εμποδιο για καλο... which literally means : every obstacle is for good. I think only the difficult parts are the ones that will actually make all this experience worth it!!!

Keep walking my friend...

lopillas said...

Leerte a TI con este inglés chapurreado del google chrome o como se diga es de lo mejorcito para echarme unas risas desde hace tiempo. Estupendo Samu.
Te quiero sobri, aupa!!