Friday, August 12, 2011


I've just arrived at Lugo. But in four days or less, I will be

I have skipped sleeping in the refuges. There are a lot of small churches and chapels in the way that offer some shelter against the wind and against the rain. I'm a church-sleeper right now, trying to avoid the waves of pelgrims, that walk all together with a difference of some hours.

I have so much to write that I won't even try. It will take me weeks to write down all what is happening in me. But I'll let you something to make yourself an idea:

(But only the refrain :)

Oh, and after a chain of things that have happened, I'm going to try playing lottery. If I become a millonaire, I'm going to give all the people that helped me their money back, not once but five times. So you can start praying (: And counting.
(or... THREE?)

Like someone commented, I'll be arriving at Santiago (or at the ship for Tenerife) the day of my birthday. Unbelievable.

1 comment:

cintia said...