The last few days have turned out to be the motivationally hardest days since the very beginning. It's nearly 4 months now that I started. We're already in August, much more time has passed than I thought I would need to arrive (that's the price of taking a trip throught the Pyrenees!) and, to be honest, what I would love right now is to be at HOME and SLEEP continously for two or three years. To sit and read a grerat book, to don't give a sh** about the weather or the water or the food or whatever. To be able of going to bed at 11 without problem. To rest.
As always, the biggest problems are always inside of you.
Man, man.
There is another circumstance that I wasn't counting with here in north Spain. The Way follows the beaches, of course. And who is in the beaches of north Spain in the middle of the summer? A lot of wonderful surfers from all over the world. Trained and tanned bodies coming out from the wild waves, like some sort of rare sea angels (that fully ignore you). And after four months of walking alone and seeing only cows, rocks and sheeps, so many beautiful girls around turn out to be as great as cruel.
So, let's keep walking! It's only some 500 km now!!! I want to arrive!!!!!!!!!! :P
And now the good news:
My signature.
Good morning, world.
The sea is undeniable.
The cantabrian-asturian-vasque(-galician) coast is so breathtaking. I am constantly leaving the official Way of Saint James to continue just next to the sea. But you need two or three days for each 5 km. You see beaches and cliffs like this ALL the time.
You don't believe it, do you? (This place has the unspeakable name of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, in the Vasque Country. You have to quit the Way to see this - Some of the nicest places of my Way have been actually not in the official path... Isn't it inspirational?)
This guy was living in San Juan de G. and deserves a full post. You can image just by looking at the pic, don't you ;)?
An average pelgrim shelter (refugio)
The Atlantic Ocean. The Wind. All the spirits of nature blowing so hard that you could lean against the wind and don't fall.
I'd love to jump from there into the water.
Y del trueno al son violento y del viento al rebramar, yo me duermo sosegado, arrullado por el mar.
Cantabria rocks. Do you see the eagle near the middle of the pic? I was standing there, shouting and singing and saying poetry, when that eagle flied by, really close. I was delighted. A second later, the next passed by. And the next. And the next. Four, five, six, ten, twenty eagles just ten meters from me, you could hear the wind in their wings, fffffffffff, flying over the sea.... It was like nature saying 'hello´(:
Good night, world. Sun is setting at about 22.30 - uncredibly late! In my first day in Munich, the sun was setting at 20h!
I'm not sure if they're fishing ships or the souls of ancient vikings remembering their arrival at this coast.
The camp where I was. Kids are so refreshing (for a short while, of course :)
Marina, in the middle, and her guitar.
A soul made of fire.
Unmounting the camp. All those people are volunteers.
The vegetation, the stone, the mountains and their form, the smell of the air, everything is different!
This girl, Sabine, was living with me in Bonn. By chance we met here and we walked some days together. It's uncredible what happens on this Way...
Sabine walks.
Another day begins!
You gotta move, child, you gotta move!
¡¡Samu se nos pone nerviooosoo con las titisss surferaaass!!
¡¡Mucho ánimo, mi querido amigo!! Cuatro zancadas más y estarás en Santiago :)
Esos ángeles que salen del agua son señales de que gozas de buena forma y salud...
Pídeles agua, que a fin de cuentas no son más que mensajeros de Dios... ;)
Ya casi llegas.
De Charo para tí, Samuel. Gallegiña y peregrina tambien:
"Peregrino alza la vista hasta el último lugar
donde al sol le rinde el sueño y decide descansar;
cuando las sombras disipen tu silueta al caminar
en el ultimo reflejo mi verso escondido va."
Gracias por compartir esas impresionantes instantáneas. Nos pone un poquito en tu lugar y aaaaah respiramos el olor a sal junto a ti. Animo y sigue atesorando instantes irrepetibles, que descansar es un verbo fácil que siempre tendrás a mano.
Un abrazo fuerte fuerte fuerte
Te dejo esta cita para que la leas cuando estés agotado. Yo la tengo en la cabecera de mi cama.
"Hay momentos mágicos, momentos en los que uno se pone de acuerdo con el universo y fluye al ritmo de lo eterno, de lo misterioso e inabarcable. Unas veces, esos momentos los desencadena el espíritu; otras, es el cuerpo, impulsado por alguna pasión insaciable.
Como el agua salada del mar no calma la sed, así tampoco nosotros encontramos consuelo en esos breves instantes de felicidad que salpican la vida, pues se difuminan con demasiada rapidez en el borrador de nuestro precario entendimiento. Sólo unos privilegiados son capaces de entender que en eso consiste la auténtica dicha: en conformarse, en aceptar esos espurios regalos que nos ofrece el devenir y, más tarde, en la más íntima soledad, guardarlos con esmero en el corazón para poder acceder a ellos cada vez que abramos la fascinante puerta del recuerdo."
te quiero
Buena e interesante caminata sobrino. Se me plantean un montón de preguntas sobre esta aventura, pero la que más...por qué no cogiste el tren...? Un abrazo enorme, ánimo y, por favor, no me invites nunca a caminar. Carlos
Ya estás casi:). Verás el cielo (si no lo has visto ya). El fantasma vuelve con la capa blanca.
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