Munich, the very beginning: The Studentenstadt. On the 11th floor of that building I had my very first home in Germany
The Isar, to the south of Munich (The trees hadn't leaves yet!)
Sunrise in the woods after Schäftlarn
Starnberg & my mochila
Bigfoot alert
Just before a magic valley near Starnberg
Radar station in the way to Haid... And the alps were getting closer and bigger each day!!
See those three white stripes at the very background? Well, that's a factory in Munich!!!! :D SOOOO far away!!! The photo was taken at Hohenpeissenberg.
The church at the top of Hohenpeissenberg. The sky was uncredibly blue. For WEEKS.
This farmer came to me when I was nearly dead and we talked about this and that. He was a really good man. Thank you!
Gertrudis and her family. A magic pelgrim that hosted me and gave me peace and strength.
You gotta mooooooooooooove... At 8 am!
This day it snowed like crazy. Really like crazy. Bavarian april!
Everything I need. Excepting bread & water.
Camino de Santiago: Betreten auf eigene Gefahr (cross at your own risk)
Cute switzerland!!!
Maia. A very special pelgrim. Very mature, very sensible, really special. Good life I wish you (:
Cute Switzerland 2
Someone needed a grill and had a car too much.
The big and the small Myth. Perfect name for a great mountain. It feels as if they would be protecting you.
Again, a bit further away.
Amazing Switzerland
Yeah. There you have some pureness.
( )
It's amazing! It's huge! It's powerful! It's silent! It's... It's....!!!
Sleeping in the straw. Really comfortable.
I'm so tired...........
Fribourg, the town of the nice girls! (And the nice medieval houses)
Well, it was actually 2003 km... But who cares!! Let's gooooooooo!!!
This morning was foggy and so nice...
Buen camino, pardiez ;) ...
Cambia, todo cambia (MS).
Pero muchas cosas como que lo empapan todo y lo traspasan...
somos muchos, muchos los que estamos haciendo el camino contigo y estas fotos nos hacen estar mas cerca de ti... son maravillosas.. no paro de mirarlas.
Un abrazo muy fuerte
Es verdad, muchos somos los que estamos emocionados con tus andanzas de peregrino en búsqueda de sí mismo. Como evidentemente sabes (de ahí tu "llamada") tu aventura se trata de un viaje interior e iniciático, más que de algo externo y, por todo lo que escribes, ya has hecho mucho recorrido ;-)
Te aseguro que, detrás de todos tus ancestros, vamos caminando nosotros, los que te queremos desde lejos and yet so near :-)
Gracias a todos. Sois un encanto (:
Hey man!!
Natasa gave me the link I'm really amazed! You definately enjoy life, man! I will follow your blog, and I will be jealous! I wish you a great time, much strength and enjoy the way you're going! The aim is just unimportant! ;)
Keep in touch and take care!
ola compadre. my mail is see you in germany!
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